New approach to Luton Sexual Health website
Luton Sexual Health (LSH) part of Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, needed their website to appeal to a younger market and feel like a safe place for young adults to find honest and up to date sexual health information.
The problem
"Designed" by a developer, though responsive, no real thought put into the UI or UX of this product.
- On Desktop the layout is broken, on mobile the boxes are oversized.
- Due to the nature of the site the user should be able to hide the site at any given point – however, the user can only do this by scrolling to the footer and finding the ‘hide site’ button – unfortunately for a mobile user on the home page there is lots and lots of scrolling required before getting to that button.
- Client wanted to use NHS colours but the more vibrant shades that would be colour contrast accessible at AA minimum.
- Mobile first approach required as majority of users being young adults are accessing the website via their smart phones and rarely via desktop.
The Design Process
Easy access to help and queries using fixed positioning and vibrant colours whilst still maintaining the NHS standard.
- I mocked up several ways in which the fixed UI could be used, including a footer menu, placing the buttons vertically along the right side of the view port, and including them with the sticky header (to sit below)
- The triage section in place of a usual hero image or information banner allows the user to really get stuck in and receive the right advice for their problem. The four most popular queries are to be incorporated into this triage section and appropriate advice will be provided either with page information already on the website or in urgent cases numbers to call.
The results
Still in design stages so results not in yet, however, client is overall happy with approach.